Develop Your Habit of Reading!

Reading is a habit that benefits you in the long run. When you are well-versed, you start to understand everything that surrounds you, and gain an open-mind whenever situations arise. As you read, you not only expand your vocabulary, but you also improve your character through the stories you read and learnings you acquire from reading books.

So, how do you get yourself into the habit of reading?

1. Find out your interests.

What are your interests? Once you are able to determine this, try searching for books that entertain your curiosity, as if you are searching for answers. Whether it’s about world history, insects, astronomy, famous writers, and many more, find books that would suit your interests. What’s important is that you’re eager to search, read, and quench your thirst for knowledge!

2. Be open to other genres.

Aside from reading what interests you the most, exposing yourself to different genres develops your interest with unfamiliar stories, facts, or topics. This could also build your imagination and enhance your creativity. Maybe you’re not into science fiction or historical fiction before; but once you’ve read a book or two in that genre, it’ll be your favorite in no time!

3. Keep a log book.

If you want to track your reading progress, keeping a logbook of the books you’ve finished is a great list to look at before the year ends. You’ll be surprised with the variety of books you’ve read and it’ll inspire you to read more in the future. This enhances your reading experience especially when you add special notes on your logbook containing your feedback and reactions on the book you’ve just read.

4. Find your quiet space.

Did you notice how quiet libraries are once you enter them? This is to keep readers focused on what they are reading. So when you search for a quiet space at home, make sure that it is well ventilated, has good lighting, and is peaceful enough for you to sit and read for long periods.

It is said that reading is a habit that people generally develop at a young age. However, there are some older people that are yet to appreciate it. Just remember that it is never too late to start developing a habit and love for something. So grab a book and start reading now!

Kumon is the world's leading after-school enrichment program. We offer two subjects: Math and Reading in more than 300 Kumon Centers nationwide.

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