Every Child Can Become Excellent

What do you want to be when you grow up?

As a child, you must have been asked this question several times. And your answer to this question surely changed as you grew up. But, one thing is certain — you have always wanted to be the best; to be excellent.

It is said and believed that excellent students are born with extraordinary intelligence and talent. Yes, this may be true. But, anyone can become excellent – even an ordinary and average student who puts in hard work. Attaining higher level of ability and intelligence is not only attained by having it ever since birth. Rather, it can also be attained through regular study of school lessons, specifically through the mastery of topics that eventually help your child have smooth progress as he tackles different and challenging topics in school.

How, then, does your child become excellent?

Kumon is a learning method that encourages students to study worksheets daily with no holidays. This practice of everyday study develops the discipline to know when study time is and when play time is. Also, the worksheets are designed in minute steps that allow students to master one topic before moving on to the next. Plus, students make use of the examples to learn new topics. Thus, there is the development of self-learning ability or the ability to solve problems, correct mistakes, and learn new topics independently.

With this in mind, Kumon students are encouraged to study above their grade level or to study topics that they have not yet tackled in school. By being advanced, students have more time to study other subjects because they have already mastered what is currently being tackled in school. Also, students develop the zest to learn more which leads them to become interested to explore new topics or activities. A higher level of self-esteem and confidence is also developed when students’ efforts are recognized. This, then, gives them a positive mindset when facing challenges in school and in life.

Every student in Kumon is believed to have the potential to do more, dream more, and be more. So believe in your child’s potential, and start his Kumon journey to success!

Kumon is the world's leading after-school enrichment program. We offer two subjects: Math and Reading in more than 300 Kumon Centers nationwide.

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