Never give up on Kumon!

During our dismissal at school, I saw my classmate doing his Kumon worksheets and I became interested with it. When I went home, I asked my dad if I could go to Kumon and he said “yes.” I then went to Kumon last January 2018 with my sister.

I started in Level A (Addition and Subtraction I) and I thought it would be really easy at first but actually, it was hard. It took me a long time to do my Kumon worksheets but I never gave up even though it was really hard.

Sometimes, Kumon tells us a message to not give up. So students, never ever give up on Kumon!

Manolo Rafael Mariazeta
Valle Verde 5 Center

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Kumon is the world's leading after-school enrichment program. We offer two subjects: Math and Reading in more than 300 Kumon Centers nationwide.

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